E | F | G | H |
I | J | K | L |
M | N | O | P |
Q | R | S | T |
U | V | W | X |
Y | Z |
Our “99 Executioner” email list has a large number of invalid e-mail addresses. If you are reading this on the VP-93 web site but not receiving the VP-93 related emails, the address we have for you is obviously corrupt or in some cases the government and businesses are blocking our e-mailings causing problems as well since the blocked e-mail addresses give the same results as an invalid e-mail address.
If possible, please do not give us government or business e-mail addresses but use your personal e-mail address instead. If you need to update your e-mail address please contact Howard Rundell at g5av8or@aol.com
We do not send jokes or political “BS,” only information directly related to VP-93 or veterans’ issues.
All Email addressess are encrypted. While they are visable they cannot be copied electronically by any web crawler.
Please be sure to inform us whenever your street or e-mail address changes so we can update our contact list.
If you have any correction or updates to the
list send them to Caryl Booker
Web Author: Caryl